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Date: Mon, 8 Aug 94 04:30:24 PDT
From: Ham-Homebrew Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #227
To: Ham-Homebrew
Ham-Homebrew Digest Mon, 8 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 227
Today's Topics:
3 coax relays for sale
HF preamp circuit NEEDED
How do you make an (old fashioned, real) radio?
Multiplexed microwave links
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Homebrew@UCSD.Edu>
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Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Homebrew Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-homebrew".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 94 15:58:13 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!usc!nic-nac.CSU.net!charnel.ecst.csuchico.edu!olivea!isc-br!tau-ceti!jupiter!opus-ovh!bmork@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: 3 coax relays for sale
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I have three coax relays that I am no longer using. All are milled out
of solid metal and plated with relays bolted right to the block.
Two relays are 2-pole switches and the other is a 6-pole switch.
The 2-pole switches appear similar to what Surplus Sales
of Nebraska (402-346-4750) sells for $38+$4s/h. See the picture on
page 40 of the July issue of Nuts & Volts. Theirs are spec'd at 100w,
500MHz, 1 amp contacts, 18-32 vdc coil. The coil on my unit measures 280
ohms static DC resistance. All three relay assemblies I'm selling are in
excellent condition, fully functional. Some relays have diodes installed
across the coil.
1:6 coax relay innards:
A 3" x 2.5" block of metal with a central BNC sticking out of the middle.
On either side are vertical stacks of 3 BNC connectors. On the back are six
relay coils stamped with the text "26 VDC".
Removing an inspection plate shows a brass? copper? bar soldered
directly to the central BNC center pin and held in a milled out channel at the
extemes with teflon spacers. Each relay coil, when energized, lowers a
flexible metal strip onto the bar. The shield of all BNC connectors
are silver soldered directly to the block. All six contacts are normally
open, and close upon relay actuation.
1:2 coax relays:
The other two are identical milled bars (instead of blocks) with similar
central feed and BNCs on the left or right of a center BNC. Construction is
comparable, except on these, one output is normally open, the other is
normally closed.
I advertised the 1:2 relays on the net for $19+$3s/h. If you'd like one
or both relays at that price, pre-paid with a postal money order, let me know.
Any more than two takers and I'll pull e-mail addresses from a hat.
Anybody who offers to prepay more with a postal money order, will get first
dibs. I'll sell the 6-pole switch for $60+3s/h under the same ROE. All
that said, I'll barter.
Brian Mork UUCP bmork@opus-ovh.spk.wa.us / ARO ka9snf@ka7fvv.#ewa.wa.usa
.... .... USMail 6006-B Eaker, Fairchild, WA 99011
.. .. .. .V:509-244-3764 D:509-244-9260
Date: 7 Aug 94 22:10:31 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: HF preamp circuit NEEDED
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
Do you *really* need a preamp on your HF rig?
Do this simple test: Listen to a "dead" portion of the band and
note the noise level (listen to the way it sounds if it doesn't move
the S meter.) NOW, disconnect the antenna and connect a dummy load
if you have one.
If the S-meter dropped, you DO NOT need a preamp (unless you wanted to
hear the noise better... I've met stranger people...) If the noise
SOUNDS less, you STILL don't need a preamp unless, again, you REALLY
like the way noise sounds.
The only time I've seen where a preamp would be nice on HF would be if
either your receiver needs a lot of help (My old TR-3 can't always hear
the Mode A 'birds'...) to hear some of the satellites, or if it is just
'plain deaf. Also, one sometimes need a bit of help when using a sub-
optimal antenna (like a Mobile antenna...)
Here is a ubiquitous circuit. I use it on my 6 meter transverter.
Its noise figure is pretty high (about 5db) but then again, since I
can usually hear anything that is there at all, it doesn't need to
be much better... If you use the recommended 2N5109 (the same as an
ECG278) it has good return loss from 1.5 through 70 MHz with about
10-12 db gain. It *will* work with a 2N2222-type transistor through
HF, but its performance will be less than that of the '5109.
V+ (12 volts)
/ \
| |
/ ----- 0.1 uf
0.01 330 ohms \ -----
/ |
|---||-----| \ __|___
| 3.3k | 470 ohms / / / /
|--\/\/\/\-|-/\/\/\/----|__________________||___\ Output
| / || /
| B |/ C 0.1 uf
0.1uf |\
\ E
Transistor: 2N5109 \ 4.7 ohms
(2N2222 ok for /
HF, if you \
insist...) __|___
/ / /
If this is used in front of an HF rig, keep in mind that it will
amplify from several 10's of KHz to several hundred MHz (in the case
of the 2N5109) so it would be wise to put some sort of bandwidth
limiting component in front of it (antenna tuner will usually do it...)
Also, if you aren't planning to put 50 ohms into this thing, don't expect
it to be very quiet!
Also, do not skimp on the emitter resistor: It really ought to be
there... If you don't have the 4.7, use something between 2.7 and 10 ohms
(just don't ground it directly...)
Again, unless you are listening to Satellites, I *really* doubt that you
need a preamp...
Internet: clint@uugate.aim.utah.edu
Amprnet: ka7oei@uugate.wa7slg.ampr.org
Date: 5 Aug 1994 19:44:06 -0400
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!pacbell.com!amdahl!news.fujitsu.com!barrnet.net!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!swiss.ans.net!newstf01.cr1.aol.com!search01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: How do you make an (old fashioned, real) radio?
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
In article <312ter$f81@euas20.eua.ericsson.se>, joe@erix.ericsson.se (Joe
Armstrong) writes:
A really good book on crystal sets is "Radios That Work For Free" which is
available from Lindsay Publications, P.O. Box 538, Bradley, IL 60915 ;
(815) 935-5353. The book is catalog # 314 and will set you back $9.95!
I've got a copy and recommend it.
Paul Sexauer - W9JTO PaulS1234@AOL.com
Date: 5 Aug 1994 19:24:12 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!ucsnews!newshub.sdsu.edu!nic-nac.CSU.net!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!torn!hermes.acs.ryerson.ca!ee.ryerson.ca!jeff@network.
Subject: Multiplexed microwave links
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
Erik Sorgatz (sorgatz@avatar.tti.com) wrote:
: In article <31omo9$ju2@kira.cc.uakron.edu> kevin@marconi.w8upd.uakron.edu (Kevin C. Swanson) writes:
: >Has anyone seen any cheap multiplex microwave link products. Our club is
: >trying to phase out the UHF links for our 2m repeater and we would rather
: >buy something with 3-6 audio channels at 900 or above. We have looked into
: >Mot. Starpoint 2000's, but they are too pricey, any suggestions??
: >
: >Kevin
: >
: Why not look into a pair of Advanced Receiver Research's 10GHz gunnplexer
: based transceivers? Their complete one-channel FM voice or cw units are
: priced at something near $500, and if you wanted to do some board-level
: hacking yourself, you could build the modulator/demod-receiver and i.f.
: stages yourself - the basic gunnplexer with horn is about $190 each...
NO WAY...... MACom will sell you a pir of 10GHz trancievers for $70. not 170, not 700, $70. No kidding!
: ..they also have units at 24 GHz and higher power (>10mW) units available.
: I'd like to find an existing ATV interface for the gunnplexer myself...
: -Avatar-> (aka: Erik K. Sorgatz) KB6LUY +----------------------------+
: TTI(es@soldev.tti.com)or: sorgatz@avatar.tti.com *Government produces NOTHING!*
: 3100 Ocean Park Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 +----------------------------+
73! de Jeff / VE3DJF
End of Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #227